V2 Build 14 (May 25, 2005) - Released
V2 Build 13 (May 24, 2005) - Released
V2 Build 10 (May 9, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 09 (May 5, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 08 (May 4, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 07 (May 3, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 06 (May 1, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 05 (April 27, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 04 (April 24, 2005) - Alpha Release
V2 Build 01 (April 7, 2005) - Alpha Released
V1 Build 95 (January 23, 2005) - Released
V1 Build 91b (December 28, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 90 (December 20, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 89b (December 16, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 88 (December 15, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 87c (December 12, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 86 (December 5, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 85 (November 30, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 84c (November 22, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 83 (November 16, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 82 (November 14, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 81 (November 9, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 80 (November 7, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 79 (November 4, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 78 (October 29, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 77 (October 27, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 76 (October 26, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 75 (October 25, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 74 (October 24, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 73 (October 18, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 72 (October 12, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 71c (October 10, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 70 (September 30, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 69 (September 26, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 68 (September 19, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 67 (September 16, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 66 (September 9, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 65 (September 7, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 64 (September 1, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 63 (August 31, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 62 (August 13, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 61 (August 8, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 60a (August 6, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 59 (August 1, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 58 (July 30, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 57 (July 29, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 56 (July 21, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 55 (July 5, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 54 (June 26, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 53 (June 23, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 52 (June 21, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 51 (June 19, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 50 (June 15, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 42/43 (May 11, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 41 (May 6, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 40 (May 5, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 38 (May 3, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 37 (April 29, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 36 (April 25, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 35 (April 24, 2004) - Beta
V1 Build 31 (April 19, 2004) - Released
V1 Build 30a (April 10, 2004) - Beta
- Handle wrong price data, e.g., 30.321 for QQQ which should be 30.32, in DOM
- Internal coding improvements related to market depth update.
- Fixed the bug that the last size is not updated properly in DOM
- Show number of ticks in the Price row after establishing a position in DOM
- Fix the bug that it sent order for first sub-account even the allocation is zero.
- Fixed the DOM related problem for ESTX50, DAX, ....
- Scroll the price ladder when the cursor is inside the window. (Don't have to put cursor on scrollbar.)
- Fixed the bug that it tried to modify un- transmitted orders when clicking in DOM
- Remember the position and size of Time & Sales windows.
- Don't set auto-connect to false in Data Server if it fails to connect due to max ticker number is reached.
- Add new rows to the DOM window when scrolling and it reaches the top or bottom of the window.
- The Buy column and Sell column replace the Orders column. So buy and sell orders are in separate columns to avoid errors and confusions. More Information.
- Show last size in DOM.
- Order cell will show the total quantity if there are multiple orders at the same price level.
- Use current bid/ask as market depth when the market depth request reaches the limit or just not available.
- When P/L, MAE and MFE are zero, the cells will show zero instead of empty in execution report.
- Use Drag-n-Drop to modify orders in DOM. Just click and drag an order in the Order column to a new cell.
- Automatically request market depth data for open DOM windows after reconnecting to TWS.
- Add the Button Background and Button Foreground buttons in the Edit Action Button dialog. So the user can specify the background/foreground colors of the user created buttons.
- Action Toolbar Customization. You can select, arrange, edit, delete or create action buttons in the Action Toolbar. More Information.
- Fixed two internationalization problems that only happened on German system.
- Options to keep DOM windows always on top. Just right click on the DOM window and select the Keep DOM Always on Top.
- Display 0 instead of empty character when P/L is zero.
- The ESTX50 symbol in the Lite version is replaced with GBL based on user request.
- Save log files in different files for different sessions. The log files are saved under {APP_DIR}/user/log directory.
- Misc. bug fixes.
- Remember the column width in DOM window
- Fix the packaging problem with Sim and Lite versions.
- The stop and the closest target can be modified by one click on the Price cell.
- All the fields in the Trade Management dialog can be adjusted by scrolling mouse wheel.
- The positions of DOM windows and the Action Panel are remembered by the software.
- Fixed bugs when turning on and off the action buttons in the action window.
- Add Break Even+ button into the Action Panel. Break Even+: Move the stop loss to the entry price plus the Break Even+ Stop Offset defined in the Trade Management dialog.
- Finished the orders related functionalities in the DOM window.
- Click on the cells in Ask column will generate sell orders: If the corresponding price is lower than the highest bid, it will generate stop order; otherwise, if the price is equal to or higher than the highest bid, limit order. Note the type of the stop order (STP or STPLMT) can be defined in the DOM tab in Trade Management dialog.
- Similarly, click on the cells in Bid column will generate buy orders. If the price is lower than or equal to the lowest ask price, it will transmit limit order; if the price is higher than the lowest ask, stop order.
- Left click on an active order cell will cancel the order.
- How to modify an order in DOM: move the cursor over the active order cell and scroll the mouse wheel.
- The background color of an active order cell indicates the status of the order. More Information.
The price column shows the P/L in points and in currency
- More implementations on DOM.
- More buttons are added in the Action Panel. The buttons in the Action Panel are customizable now. More Information.
- The P/L field is added in the executions report. More Information.
- Fixed bugs in SimTrader.
- Financial Advisor (FA) account related fixes and enhancements.
- Ask for confirmation before deleting a contract in Data Server.
V1 Build 20a (December 23, 2003) - Beta
- Fix a bug in the Data Server when saving the connection settings
V1 Build 20 (December 22, 2003) - Beta
- The program will remember the previous position of the main window
V1 Build 19a (December 18, 2003) - Beta
- Fix the bug that it sends stop loss order even the stop loss is not defined.
V1 Build 19 (December 16, 2003) - Beta
- Use OCA string to make sure stop loss orders and profit target orders will properly cancel each other in case ZLT loses the connection with TWS or TWS loses the connection with its server.
- Fix the MAE/MFE bug when the position is reversed.
- Able to switch MAE/MFE display in points or in currency
- Option to save the data and the layout setting on exit
- Risk column is now working for Financial Advisor account.
- User's shortcut settings will be preserved after updating to a newer version.
V1 Build 18 (December 9, 2003) - Beta
Export executions to csv file. You can customize the export fields and their sequences.
Time In Trade is added in executions report.
Keep Windows Always on Top. (Configure->Preferences->View)
The colors and positions of the buttons in the Action Tool bar and the Action Panel have been modified based on user inputs.
V1 Build 17 (December 7, 2003)
- Add action buttons in the action toolbar: DEC RISK, INC RISK, DEC PT, INC PT. DEC RISK will move the stop one tick in the direction of the trade. INC RISK will move the stop one tick in the opposite direction of the trade. DEC PT will decrease the profit target by one tick in the closet profit target order. INC PT will increase the profit target by one tick in the closet profit target order.
- Change the action buttons' background colors to be consistent with those in IB's TWS. Blue for buy buttons and red for sell buttons.
- Add ECBOT in the exchange list. *
* Please note the exchange list in the Edit Contract dialog is editable and "ECBOT" can be manually keyed in in order to trade YM. Any new exchanges or the exchanges missing from the list can be manually typed in.
V1 Build 16 (December 3, 2003)
- Fix a bug in the execution Time display in the Executions table.
V1 Build 15 (December 2, 2003)
- Add Tighten Stop, Loose Stop, Increase PT and Decrease PT buttons in the Action Frame.
V1 Build 12
- Fixed an AutoChase related bug.
V1 Build 10p
- The Cancel button on the stop loss order is removed.
- Implemented the Risk column.
The difference between the current stop loss and the entry price. The initial value of the Risk is the negative value which has the same magnitude as the Stop Loss. The value of Risk will be updated as the stop loss order is modified. For example, the Risk will become zero when the stop loss is moved to break even and positive when the stop loss is moved beyond the entry point.
Clicks on the Risk column's header will switch the display between in points or in dollar amount.
The Risk column is not working for the Financial Advisor account because there may be multiple stop loss orders for different sub accounts.
- Implemented Auto Chase
It is explained in the following example.
Assume the bid price and ask price is 1000/1000.25, and an order is transmitted to buy at bid (1000). What if the market moves up to 1000.25/1000.50 without filling the order? If the Auto Chase is turned on for the order, the program will automatically move the order to the new bid price which is 1000.25. How far it will chase the market is determined by the Auto Chase Ticks.
The Auto Chase is only valid to LMT order.
If the Default Auto Chase here is turned on, all the LMT orders generated based on the data row will have the Auto Chase on by default.
The Auto Chase can be turned off for the individual order by right clicking on the order row and unchecking the Auto Chase check box in the popup menu.
V1 Build 10j
- Able to use mouse wheel to scroll order price while the cursor is on the "T" cell. So the order can be modified and transmitted without moving the cursor between different cells.
- User's shortcuts definition will be preserved when the software is upgraded to newer versions.
V1 Build 10e
- Allocation profiles related fixes.
V1 Build 10d
This build is primarily for the allocation profile testing.
- You can check the shares allocation before sending the order by right click on the order row.
"p2" profile is defined as:
- You can check the submitted order's allocation also by right click on the order row.
- When an order row is created, it will use the default profile defined in its data row. But you can change the profile for one particular order row by selecting another one in the Allocation column.
- New column "Account Number" is added in the Executions report.
V1 Build 10c
- Problems related to allocation profiles were reported but haven't been fixed.
- Fix a bug related to generating multiple levels of profit target
- The action icons in the Action Toolbar are changed to text icons.
The text clearly states each button's action.
V1 Build 10b
Added the Action Panel. It can be accessed from View->Action Panel ...
Just select a contract in the main window and you can trade it buy one click on a button in the Action Panel.
Want to trade another contract, just change the selection in the main window.
Fixed the profiles are not saved problem.
V1 Build 10
Allocation Profile:
s it is user's responsibility to make sure the order quantity and the percentage will result desired and correct number of shares for each sub account.
- There are three profile types: Sub Account Profile, Absolute Shares Profile and Percentage Profile.
- ZT will automatically generate Sub Account profiles for each sub accounts.
- The default profile can be specified for each data row in the Parameters tab in the Trade Management dialog.
- For Percentage profile, ZT is not checking if the total is equal or greater than 100%. It is ok to have 33, 33 and 33 for each of the three sub accounts. Each sub account will be allocated 1/3 of the shares. The total is 99%.
- ZT calculates the number of shares by multiplying order quantity with the allocated percentage and rounding it to the closest integer value. Currently, it assume
For example, for es, if the entry price for a long position is 1000.00, the Break Even Stop Trigger is 0.75, the Break Even++ Stop Trigger is 1.00 and the Break Even++ Stop Offset is 0.25. So once the profit is 0.75, the stop will be moved to 1000.00. If the es turns around, you still have a B/E trade. But if the profit reaches 1.00, the stop will be moved to 1000.25.
You can now bring the stop loss order to break even manually by one click on the B/E button.
Buy Ask, Buy Bid, Sell Ask, Sell Bid, Scale In, Scale Out.You can get in and out of position by one click of one of these action buttons.
New types of shortcuts are added. You may need to redefine your shortcuts since they will be overwritten after V1 Build10 installation. Sorry for the inconvenience